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Amy Goggin

Director of Religious Education


Associates Degree Early Childhood Education. I have been married for 26 years and have 8 children ranging in ages from 25-9. I have always been involved in parish formation of children as a volunteer and stay at home Mom and now it is my career.


Oversee the religious formation and Sacramental preparation for the children in our parish.

What do you enjoy most about your ministry?

Working directly with the children. I enjoy how innocent and open to learning about the faith they can be.

How can people get involved in your area of ministry?

We can always use volunteers as aides to the Catechists and volunteers to help when we have events. We are in need of adults that love to teach very young children in our Lil Disciples program during the 10am Mass.

Favorite Bible Quote

Luke 1:46-56 - The Magnificat

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