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Khalil Hattar

P.A. for Administration


I've been fortunate enough to be a part of SJE since 2015. Since joining the team, I've been blessed to start a family with my wife, Dema, and our two kids Jacob and Naya.


I get to work with and support our awesome Parish Team alongside our Pastor (Fr. Sammie Maletta) and our Associate Pastor (Fr. Declan McNicholas).

What do you enjoy most about your ministry?

I love being able to vision and think creatively, especially when it's at the service of creating opportunities for people to encounter Jesus and grow as disciples.

How can people get involved in your area of ministry?

If you're good at something then give yourself the chance to do it for Jesus.

Maybe you're good at inviting people, being friendly, playing an instrument or singing, clerical work, sorting and organizing, handiwork, photography, videography, whatever it is, there's a place for you to step up and into mission. Discipleship happens when you get involved.

Favorite Bible Quote

"But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

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