Small Groups
A small group is just that, a “small group” of 6-8 people, meeting weekly or bi-weekly in homes, talking about life and faith and everything in between. Small groups are designed to help participants live and apply their faith to the everyday situations they experience in life. Groups are typically formed demographically. We have a number of men’s, women’s, and couple’s groups across all ages and several different neighborhoods. We highly recommend that you try the small-group experience. If you're interested in connecting to a small group or you simply want to learn more, leave us a note in the contact section below.

What to expect from a Small Group?
Every small group meeting begins with time to catch up, share snacks or a meal, and spend quality time together. This unstructured time is often the most powerful part of a small group as, over time, real relationships begin to form from the familiar conversation.
After everyone has gotten comfortable, had some snacks, and caught up on the week, the group begins to discuss whatever the evening’s topic might be. Discussion topics are grouped into series, which can also coincide with the message being presented at the weekend Masses. Participants may watch a short video, dig into scripture selections, or read from prepared discussion guides. After the material is presented, participants then discuss, ask questions, and share their own experiences with the topic. All the while, a group leader is present to facilitate and guide the conversation.
Prayer is central to any small group. Participants begin and end the discussion phase of every meeting with group prayer, sharing any needs or struggles they want to bring to the group. In addition to group prayer, members are also encouraged to set aside regular time for personal daily prayer with the 1% Challenge and share those fruits with the rest of the group during discussion time.
Got Questions?
Interested in learning more about Small Groups?
Drop us a note below, and a member of our Relational Ministries Team will reach out.